WPBA Hall Of Fame Pack Burro Race

Leadville, Fairplay, CO

Not ready to register....you can always DONATE!
WPBA Triple Crown 3rd Leg 
WPBA Hall of Fame Pack Burro Race Leadville, Colorado - August 9, 2020 
Hall of Fame Pack Burro Race Info: 
$50.00 Entry Fee.  
In addition to your entry fee, WPBA encourages you to donate to help cover the cost of these 

 We have NO sponsorships, and during this time the WPBA will not be asking the local 
business to sponsor us. So, we are asking for our racers to help all they can. Our expenses to 
put on a race like this, in the time frame we did, is expensive. WPBA is paying for everything: 
Camping, Portable bathrooms, chip timing (if we raise enough), Town and County Fees, BLM, 
and Forestry Fees. Your continued contribution will be great appreciated. See Donate button 
after you complete the registration. Think about all the other races that you did not spend 
money on this year. Consider placing some of those funds in the WPBA hands, so we can best 
represent this great sport. Thank you for the consideration.   
History of the Hall of Fame Race  
The first Leadville to Fairplay race was the Granddaddy of them all. The 1949 World 
Championship Pack Burro Race. This race was won by Melville Sutton, the 23+mile race was 
completed in 5 hr. 10 min. 41.2 sec! This course was running till 1972 where on that day Steve 
Mathews finally broke a under 3-hour race, that had never been done before. He completed 
the course in 2 hr. 50 min. 46.5 sec! Bringing this race back 48 years later… EPIC! 
#1 Rule in Leadville 
Max capacity is 50 persons, including spectators and volunteers.  
WPBA currently has planned to have 35 racers and 15 volunteers. If you are a Driver and want 
to watch the race start, you will have to be a volunteer. Otherwise you are not counted in the 
50 and you must remain in the vehicle area, once your animal leaves the trailer for the start, 
back in the vehicle you must go. Out of town by no later than 10am heading to Fairplay. If you 
303-906-2269 or wpbamediarelations@yahoo.com  
Logistical Plan A: 
Saturday August 8st Camping will be in FairplayColordo at the Park County Fairgrounds. 
WPBA does not have permission to use the Lake County Fairgrounds. Make the 73 mile, 1:45 
hour drive in the morning to be in Leadville by 6:30-8:30 Check in, 9am start.   This is how it 
was done back in the day. Where logistics were arranged with camps with larger trailers. An 
extra driver is necessary to drive the truck and trailer back to Faiplay after the race has started. 
We need all vehicles out of Leadville by 10am on August 9th, as NO vehicles can be left in 
Leadville. See map. All areas used by your animals will need to be cleaned up. We will leave it 
better than when we got there.  
Logistical Plan B: 
WPBA is currently working on a better Logistical plan. I have asked Buena Vista if we can use a 
small area of the Fairgrounds on the evening of August 8. Placing us about 45 min away from 
Leadville. WPBA is also looking for somewhere (private ranch) where we can spread out, be 
closer, and have a small footprint.  
Logistical Plan C: 
“The Joe Glavinick Way” 
Leave your home in Leadville, with your Burro, ready for the race. You arrange one of the 
trailer drivers to take your tent and gear to Fairplay. You run the race from Leadville to Fairplay 
and stay the night in Fairplay. The next, day catch a ride or pack back over the mountain.  
Logistical Plan D: 
If you have your own driver, camp wherever the law allows, or drive from your home. See you 
August 9th at 6:30-8:30am at the starting line in Leadville on E. 7th Street and Trail Road for 
check in.  
Logistical Note: 
All participants with or without animals in tow, are responsible for their own logistical 
transportation. If you have hit a brick wall call Brad Wann to discuss a Plan. You must have a 
plan. 303-906-2269 or wpbamediarelations@yahoo.com 
Simple request:
Please inform us of how may are in your party. What you plan on driving? Camping? If you 
have any special needs? We must control the size if this event.  
Please, if you are having family-friends come, consider asking them to volunteer. Contact Brad 
Wann 303-906-2269 or wpbamediarelations@yahoo.com   
Check in:  
6-8:30am at the corner of E. 7th St. and Trail Road
Start Line - Line Up: 
8:45 -8:55am (Strict Rule – Stay at your vehicle till 8:45am. You may go find a quiet street and 
warm up, but back to your vehicle till 8:45am. 
Start Time: 
9am Sharp! 
Special Rule Change: 
NO 33-pound rule. We want to ensure the teams can carry their own water, food, and first aid. 
No Weigh ins. All other WPBA rules will be followed.  
Things that are different: 
WPBA Officers are the Race Directors.  
Safety First.  
Wear a mask/face covering when 6-foot social distancing can not be maintained.  
We are guest in this town.  
Course is different. See and study the maps.  
No Banquet at the end. Shop and Eat local.  
You are your own aid station. We will have emergency food and water on the course. 
You MUST stay on the County Roads.  
Prize money (TBD). 
There will be no swag, bags, or t-shirts. This is a once in a lifetime event to only record the 
Summer Heritage Sport of Colorado. Come to run, have fun, exercise, and be a part of history. 
“If you have the legs and the ass, let’s make some history!” 
Plan of Action  
The safety of the community, racing teams, and volunteers are the number one priority for 
the WPBA. To ensure the safety of all, we will have a check in site (Start Line) where we will 
perform temperature checks for 15 race volunteers, and 35 racers while they are still in 
their vehicles. Anyone exhibiting a fever of 100 degrees or higher will be immediately 
instructed to leave. A Phone number will be provided to each racer for question on race 
day. To limit person to person, contact if further information is needed.    
For the safety of all we are asking for NO spectators.  All Volunteers will remain in their vehicles, until their required duties are requested.   
Race day Check-In: On August 9th, 2020 at 6:30am teams will start arriving. At the corner of 
E. 7th St. and Trail Road, Temperature check and verbal check in will be performed while 
racers are in the vehicle. Line up for race day check-in will be on Trail Road between E. 7th 
Street and E. 5th Street, everyone stay in their vehicle until check-in process is over. They 
will then be sent to a parking space that will best fit their vehicle/trailer. Pre-Check in will 
have already occurred via online, racing # will be assigned at that time.  
All participants will be asked at arrival if they have had symptoms of COVID-19, or to their 
knowledge have been in contact with anyone else who has, over the 2-weeks prior to the 
event. Name, Address, contact phone number, and race day temperatures will be registered 
There is No Finish Line in this race for Lake County. The race will end in Park County at the 
Fairplay Beach Rd and Platte Rd parking lot..  
There will be no mass gathering(s) before the race. All meetings will be held via video or 
phone conference several days prior to the event. Email notices will be sent out with 
Buffs or scarfs will always be required for each racer, and volunteer, to be around the neck. 
It will be mandated that racers wear buffs or scarfs over the mouth and nose when in the 
presence of others that are not of your household.  
Runners will be assigned numbers and race information via online registration. Each 
runner will be required to place their # on the back of their right hand with a sharpie or 
place their # on themselves or their Burro somewhere visible. During the online check in, 
they will sign a waiver that they enter this private race at their own risk, with the 
understanding that the WPBA, officers, volunteers, other participants, county, town, and 
any other entity involved in the race will not be held liable for any reason.  
“The Start” - Burros are a herd animal. Rolling starts would be difficult to control with 
animals. But a spread-out start would work very well. We spread the start out as far as we 
can to maintain the required distance. No congregating allowed at the start.  On E. 7th St 
from Ash St. to Trail Road is 31,680 Square Feet. With 50 people that is 633 square feet per 
person. 8:45 am while in the start line staging area all persons will be required to wear their 
face covering. 15 seconds before the race starts runners only can remove their face 
coverings as long as they have 6’ distance. As they will need both hands to hold onto their 
burros when the gun goes off. 9am the starting gun will fire.  
Pack Burro Racing is the essence of social distancing. Nobody wants to be kicked by 
another runner’s donkey. Keeping a six feet distance is not a problem in burro racing.  Ham Radio Operator, on CR3 and CR3D split by the Conley Lakes Area. Ham Operators will 
stay in their vehicles while racing teams’ approach. No close contact at all. The Ham 
Operator will close once the last team has made it to Mosquito Pass.  
Volunteers – 2 Flaggers will be at the Trail Road and E. 7th St. and Ash St. and E. 7th 
St.(8:45-9am), 2 WPBA Photographer, 3 Check-in volunteers, 1 Race Official, 2 Ham 
Operators, 1 Large animal Vet, and 4 volunteers to assist the Race Official(To help remind 
members to social distance). All volunteers will be wearing a reflective vest.  
Volunteers on the Park County – Fairplay side: Top of Mosquito Pass on County Road 12 
Ham Operator, Kootchie Kootchie Rd and CR1 Ham Operator, Lakeside Dr and CR14 
Flagger, CR14 and Platte Dr “Flagger,” and Beach Rd Parking lot on Platte Rd a finish line 
Signs: there will be 24”x 18” signs giving directions to each turn. Maps are provided to each 
water, food, and any minor first aid needed for the runners. There will be unopened 
water/electrolyte drinks for individual use with the ham operator station. 4x4 vehicle “RA1” 
(Roaming Aid 1) will be available to climb the pass if needed. RA1 will be trailing the last 
team all the way to the top and over. RA1 will have First Aid supplies for minor injuries, 
hydration, food, supplements, room for 2 injured humans. There will also be a horse trailer 
parked at the Ham Operators station for any donkey needing a ride. This will provide a 
backup in case a team runs out of water. First Aid kits, hydration, food will also be provided 
to each Ham Radio Operator Station as to only offer in emergency.  
Finish line in Park County – Fairplay, Colorado will be as follows: As teams come in, we ask 
them to gather themselves and head to their trailers. Preform all you after race procedures 
for you animals and yourself. Load up and clean up your area. We are asking for you to not 
gather at the finish line. You may watch the finish from your vehicle to witness the history. 
Finish line judge will be monitoring the number of spectators. Park Count Fairgrounds are 
available over night for you and your animals. Clean up behind you animal is a must. Clean 
up crew will come through on Monday morning.    
In the event that someone associated with our race tests positive for COVID-19 in the 2 
weeks following an event, WPBA will utilize the guidance of state, county, and local 
agencies, as well follow the guidelines established by the  CDPHE (Colorado Department of 
Public Health and Environment). 
This WPBA event will be insured and kept under the 50 person-variance required by Lake 
LIMITS OF INSURANCE Each Occurrence Limit $ 1,000,000 Personal and Advertising 
Injury Limit - $ 1,000,000 Products-Completed Operations Aggregate Limit - $ 2,000,000 -  
General Aggregate Limit (Other Than Products-Completed Operations) - $ 2,000,000 -  
Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit - $ 100,000  Any One Fire Medical Expense Limit 
- $ 5,000 Any One Person. 
The Western Pack Burro Ass-ociation (WPBA) would like to clarify that there will be 
absolutely no pre-race advertising. This is intended to be a private gathering and only 
presented to members of the WPBA and burro owners that have been a part of our great 
attempting to have the smallest footprint possible. We are attempting to continue the 
history of the Summer Heritage Sport of Colorado (HJR12-1021) using the CDPHE 
guidelines and any considerations that the Counties have. We have no issue with staying 
within the 50-person gathering as requested by Lake County. We appreciate the safety you 
provide to your citizens.   
The intent of the WPBA is to safely capture the history of the sport, safely exercise our great 
animals, and in the process get some miles in with the human partner at the end of a lead 
rope. These athletes, both human and burro, have put in hundreds of miles in the 2020 
training season. Running on trails all over the State of Colorado, from Monte Vista, 
Colorado to Boulder, Colorado, all while ensuring safe physical distancing throughout our 
training during the COVID-19 pandemic. The WPBA members have family, co-workers, and 
neighbors that we want to keep safe.  
If you have read this far, the WPBA thanks you! We value you time and want you to be as 
informed as possible.  


Triple Crown Award:

The Western Pack Burro Ass-ociation presents an award each year to the male and female burro racer who has captured the Triple Crown Races and is a current member of the Ass-ociation prior to the start of the Fairplay race, the last Sunday of July. The award is a $500 check (the 2013 sponsors were People's National Bank, Leadville and Colorado East Bank and Trust, Fairplay). The award recognizes the commitment of the individual runner to the sport and its promotion as well as recognizing the excellence of the runner and his/her burro. To qualify for the award, an individual must fulfill the following requirements: Join the WPBA by becoming a family or individual member prior to the start of the Fairplay race, the last Sunday of July. Must win each of the long courses at Fairplay, Leadville, and Buena Vista with the same burro. There will be a male and female award available. Entry Fees: Each entrant or his sponsor will pay a fee determined by the town race director. The race director will have discretion as to how the entry fees will be used, but is encouraged to use the entry fees for prize money and race expenses. This fee must accompany the entry application and will not be refunded.


No city, private-property owners along the course, sponsoring businesses, governmental agencies, persons or organizations will be responsible in case of accident or injury to contestants. Each entrant must sign a waiver and/or release of responsibility.


The following is the definition of a burro and is to be used in selecting a burro. The word burro comes from the Spanish word meaning donkey. A donkey is defined as being an ass. They have chestnuts on the forelegs only, while other animals of the same species, such as mules or horses, have them on hind and forelegs. The tail has no hair, except on its lower part, which has a brush. A registered veterinarian shall have the authority to disqualify any contestant and animal that does not match the above description, or whose animal is sick, doped, injured, or mistreated. The veterinarian will check the animal before and after the race. Winning burros can be held in a designated area by the race committee for 30 minutes for checking by the veterinarian. All runners must keep their burros under control. This is especially true for runners with jacks. Any burro (jacks particularly) that interferes with another runner or burro may be disqualified.


Each burro will be required to be equipped with a regulation pack saddle packed with prospector's paraphernalia and must include a pick, shovel, and gold pan. There shall be no minimum weight requirement for burros measuring 40 inches or less at the shoulder. For all others the combined weight of the pack saddle and paraphernalia shall be a minimum of 33 pounds. It is strongly recommended that all participants carry at least one quart of water, food (an energy bar), and clothing (such as a windbreaker). Water, food and clothing worn during the race shall not be part of the 33 pounds. This weight will be checked at the start and finish of the race. Loss of all or part of the pack and paraphernalia will eliminate the contestant. The burro must be outfitted with a strap- (leather or synthetic) or rope-style halter. The runner may only be attached to the burro with a single lead rope that does not exceed 15 feet in length (measured from the end of rope to tip of buckle). The lead rope may only be connected to the halter tie ring (or tie loop in the case of a rope halter) and may not be affixed to the saddle or to any other part of the burro. Jack chains may be used only if used with a pressure-release technique. (A jack chain is a chain or strap which is used to apply pressure over the muzzle, under the chin, or through the mouth.) Any racer coming across the finish line with nose and/or chin injuries on the animal resulting from the jack chain will be disqualified.


Any contestant mistreating his animal may be disqualified. No needles, electric prods, narcotics, clubs or whips, other than the halter rope, may be used.

Veterinary Checks:

The WPBA recommends veterinary checks be done before every race.


The race route must be followed. It will be marked by signs, people, or aid stations. Do not cut across switchbacks. Any burro leaving the course must be returned to the course without shortening the distance of the course. Any runner becoming separated from their burro (i.e., burro and runner are no longer racing as a connected team or unit) must return to the place they became separated before continuing the race. Failure to follow these rules will result in disqualification.


Contestant and burro starting the race must remain a team throughout the contest. No assistants will be allowed to accompany any team.

Winning Team:

The winning combination consists of man, or woman, and burro which must cross the finishline as a unit. The man or woman may be leading or following the burro but the burro's nose crossing the finish line first constitutes the winner.

No Riding:

The runner may push, pull, drag or carry the burro. The contestant shall at no time progress except under his own power.


Should a contestant be disqualified by a race official, he may continue the race (a second offense will definitely put him off the trail) and he may appeal his grievance to the race director. The decisions of the race director will be final.


In the event of a tie, the prize money involved, if any, will equally divided by the contestants involved.

No Firearms:

Carrying and use of firearms will not be permitted.

WPBA Triple Crown 2020 Plan of Action

Our group seeks to continue a great sport begun by some of Colorado’s 19th-century miners. Those hardy characters used burros (Spanish for donkeys) to carry their mining tools and supplies through the Rocky Mountains as they prospected for gold, silver, and other valuable ores. Since the burros were carrying a full load, the miners had to walk, leading the animal with a rope. Legend has it that two miners found gold in the same location and raced each other back to town to be the first to stake a claim to the find. Neither could ride their animal because of its load, so one of the basic rules of burro racing was established. Another legend is that burro racing began as drunken miners in a Leadville bar sought a way to make some money in a less back-breaking manner than with pick and shovel. Actual history is the town of Fairplay and Leadville came together and said we need something to bring our struggling towns some revenue. So, Pack Burro Racing was born. Pack Burro Racing has been the staple of the summer events in the mountain towns, that some of the hardiest athletes come to run in since 1949. In 1976 the WPBA Triple Crown was born. As Buena Vista, Colorado was added to the trifecta of Pack Burro Races. Pack Burro Racing popularity continues to grow! On May 29, 2012, the Colorado legislature approved a joint resolution that designates Pack Burro Racing as a Summer Heritage Sport in Colorado.

Plan of Action

  • The safety of the community, racing teams, and volunteers are at the highest level. To ensure the safety of all we will have a check in site where we will perform temperature checks to all volunteers, race staff, racers, members, and their guest while they are still in their vehicles. Anyone exhibiting a fever of 100 degrees or higher, will be immediately instructed to leave.
  • All participants will be asked at arrival if they have had symptoms of COVID-19, or to their knowledge have been in contact with anyone else who has, over the 2-weeks prior to the event.
  • There will be no mass gathering(s) before or after the race. All meeting will be held via video or phone conference days prior to the event.
  • Buffs or scarfs will always be required for each racer, volunteer, and WPBA members to be around the neck. WPBA has been giving these out as gifts for years. The racers will be educated to put them over the mouth and nose when in the present of others.
  • Runners will be assigned numbers and race information via online registration. Each runner will be required to place their # on the back of their right hand with a sharpie. Or place their # on themselves or their Burro somewhere visible or all the above. During the online check in they will be agreeing that they enter this private race at their own risk. That the WPBA, officers, volunteers, other participants, county, town, and any other entity involved in the race liable for any reason.
  • There will not be a check in. The temperature check is all we need to verify that they have arrived. The racer will have all they need to start the race.
  • WPBA will have an information area at the start line if there are any questions. There will be waiting lines with six feet apart marks on the ground. No congregating allowed.
  • "The Start” - Burro are a herd animal, rolling starts would be difficult to control with animals. But a spread-out start would work very well. We spread the start out as far as we can to maintain the required distance. No Congregating allowed at the start.
  • Pack Burro Racing is the essence of social distancing. No One wants to be kicked by another runner’s donkey. So, passing is done with a wide process, and flowing along is something that is done in a string of sorts. As they have done for the past 5000 years while using burros. Keeping a six feet distance is not a problem in burro racing.
  • Ham radio operators and/or Search and Rescue will be throughout the course as they have been for decades. Communicating with our base at the finish line.
  • Burro racing is unique as the burro is the Aid Station. The burro carries the water, food, and any minor first aid need for the runners. There will be unopened water/electrolyte for individual use with each ham operator station. This will provide a backup incase a team runs out of water. First Aid kits will also be provided to each Ham Radio and/or Search and Rescue station.
  • Burro racers after finishing are usually off tending to their animals, food and water and putting up their gear after finishing. Most Pack Burro Racing finish lines look like a ghost town. We will keep order and continue to remind folks of social distancing.
  • In the event that someone associated with our race test positive for COVID-19 in the 2 weeks following an event, WPBA will continue to utilize the guidance of state, county, and local agencies, as well as the CDPHE(Colorado Department of Health and Environment), in regards to reporting.
  • This WPBA event will be insured and kept under the 175-variance required by the CDPHE or the permitted guidelines laid out by the Town, and County. These directives are subject to change at any time and this document is fluid. As the impacts of COVID-19 continue to decline, WPBA reserves the right to amend or negate any of the above policies as we navigate along with the state of Colorado through COVID-19.
  • LIMITS OF INSURANCE Each Occurrence Limit $ 1,000,000 Personal and Advertising Injury Limit - $ 1,000,000 Products-Completed Operations Aggregate Limit - $ 2,000,000 - General Aggregate Limit (Other Than Products-Completed Operations) - $ 2,000,000 - Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit - $ 100,000 Any One Fire Medical Expense Limit - $ 5,000 Any One Person.

When & Where

Aug 9, 2020


8:00 AM

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Event Schedule

Leadville, Fairplay, CO


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